Monday, 20 July 2015

American Guinea Pig - Bouquet of Guts and Gore .... Heavy on Gore and a shake of guts but thats nothing new

American Guinea Pig ....

Stephen Biro, Van Bebber , Marcus Koch & Eigh8T the Chosen one you would of thought it would of been a perfect Saturday night gorefest, well you would be right in some aspects I wish I could say I loved it .....

So many many moons ago (1985 to be exact) a series of movies surfaced called (Guinea Pig) 5 movies in total spanning 5 years of work regarding many taboo subjects and these were classed as "Snuff Movies" I guess a couple you could actually say were really to point and were fitting with what they were trying to put across but the others just floated away with the fairies and the subject matter became more comedic ...

The first few that were made were that realistic that even after viewing from Charlie Sheen (probably high) he rang the police stating he just witnessed a murder ....

So fast forward 30 years to 2015 where we have American Guinea Pig, and the same happened again no idea how or why Charlie Sheen gets hold of these movies as I don't see him being a fan of gore but he is at it again (can imagine the police response "Mr Sheen has been watching "Said movie and witnessed "ANOTHER" filmed murder on dvd" what a lad....) so American Guinea Pig was on my radar of movies to watch soon but just hadn't got round to it until last night .

No Spoilers needed as everyone (Minus the Mainstream world of movie watchers) wont have seen this, coming into the review I had high hopes being a fan of both Koch's Special FX work and Van Bebber in general who doesn't if I could have 2 dads wouldn't mind him being my second !!!!

But I really really really found it a chore to watch of course the movie wasn't horrific not in the slightest it was well made and a good homage to the original but that's it really that I could see was similar ...

Whilst the direction of the movie was perfect, the cast was stellar (Eigh8t the chosen one is clearly going places) I felt for all the hype it was given I kinda felt like I was just watching your good extremely gory movie...

My faults were the following ...
The Dialogue throughout the movie made me want to put my face into a bonfire, it wasn't really needed and made an already hard watch even more of a chore when coming face to face, people seeing the original series would know how it ran really zero dialogue and 100% substance and it worked back then ...

The ending (I wont give anything away) clearly wasn't needed at all just didn't fit in at all could of been made a lot better just felt like it wasn't really part of the movie and once the credits rolled I was felt like well that was just meh ?

The Gore Effects, although in places these were really good in some they were really poor, not enough blood in the movie, clear human - dummy shots and overall nothing we haven't seen before really I was expecting some proper full on in your face, till make u wanna wince gore (Scalping, veins torn out with teeth, pure visceral pain scenes like theres been movies in the past where u see peoples heads fully smashed in, teeth knocked out etc I wish I could of loved it but I felt like I really couldn't, but this didn't stop me from watching the whole movie in the slightest..

This guy made me sit through the whole movie (Not literally) Eigh8t the Chosen one ..... he made me want to watch the movie all the way through as his character yes he dealt out all the pain and suffering, he made me enjoy what parts of the movie I did (even the cheeky half face unmasking what a cutie :) ) he pulled me in to keep watching the movie his struggle from a average Joe to undertake all this violence throughout was commendable and he clearly is going places ...

Overall I really wanted to love this movie and all it meant but I just couldn't and I will probably be one of the few that didn't come away from this frothing at the mouth with anticipation for the next part in the series but of course I will be on the look out for it ...

Overall 4/10

Could of been such a perfect movie aswell but it has been seen 30 years ago and that still stands today better than this sorry guys ...  

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